A great day at the YMCA

I woke up Saturday expecting to run through the shadow of a former president. Instead, an unexpected storm blew into town.

Let me explain.

Kate and I mapped out our morning run Friday night. The first soccer game wasn’t until 2 p.m. Saturday — late for us — so we decided to test this June’s L.I.N.K. Run (http://www4.indep.k12.mo.us/link5k/) route, which starts and ends at the Truman Presidential Library and Museum in Independence. Heck, I even downloaded an image of the library Friday night to post here with a review.

But the test run never happened. It hailed instead.

As I looked out the front door and begrudgingly announced the piling pellets, Kate smartly suggested we change our venue to the local YMCA. I heaved a sigh of frustration: It’s not that I don’t like the Y; I just love running outdoors.

Upon hearing her suggestion — I admit now it was a great one — all three kids perked up.

“Yeah, dad,” said Maggie. “That would be cool.”

Aaarrrggghhh, I growled to myself. There goes another road run.

Just then, as though he could hear my reluctant thoughts, eight-year-old Tom chimed in. “You don’t always have to run outside, dad,” he said. “If we go to the Y, all of us can have fun.”

That last sentence sealed it. I resolved to smile and happily head to the Y with the clan, even though I was still groaning at the thought of a weekend day on the treadmill.

Our time at the Y couldn’t have been further from what I expected.

The three-mile run my marathon training plan (http://www.halhigdon.com/marathon/inter1.html) called for was enjoyable on the rubber ribbon: I watched MSNBC headlines while listening to a recent podcast of The Marathon Show with Joe Taricani (http://www.themarathonshow.com/). Afterward, I headed into the weight room, something I’ve wanted to do — my training plan calls for one day a week of strength work — but haven’t made time for because of my passion for the pavement.

Not only did the weight work introduce me to an important new chapter of my fitness journey, it pushed and pulled me in new and — er, painful — ways. I’m walking proof of that today, a sore but enjoyable Easter

Joe, Maggie, Kate and Tom outside the Independence Family YMCA.

As we left the Y (http://www.kansascityymca.org/welcome-to-independence-family.html), I told Kate and the kids how rewarding the morning had been. They relayed the fun they’d had on the treadmill, lifting weights, kicking the soccer ball and shooting baskets. And I poked fun at myself for stressing out over a missed road run.

The fact is, I got a better workout at the Y than I would have from a simple three-mile loop through the neighborhood. And what’s more, we had a great time as a family.

About Kansas City Runner

Kansas City Runner blogs on cool places to run, walk and cycle in Kansas City and beyond.
This entry was posted in All posts, April 2011. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to A great day at the YMCA

  1. Bald Honkey says:

    Thank you Kansas City Runner,

    You’ve inspired me. Your posts of places you are running has reminded me of my love for running. I was a track athlete in High School and College and used to go on some fantastic runs through my neighborhoods and city. I would run for hours enjoying that perfect balance of pace, steady breathing and heart rate. Lost in my surroundings to where you don’t even feel yourself touching the concrete or trail below your feet.

    Somewhere along the way life has gotten in my way; work, travel, knee and shin trouble so I stopped running many years ago. I’ve rehabed my knee but I never started running again. I’m now a little overweight and out of shape but, I decided I can change that. Your story here about the YMCA has helped me to find the answer of how I can do that.

    The answer is Family! I have a wonderful 8 year old son who is very athletic and loves to do things with his dad. So I asked him if he would be interested in running with me. The answer was a resounding yes, can we do it tomorrow night? I said yes lets start tomorrow night, forgetting that tomorrow night was Boy Scouts.

    Well last night was the night. We skipped Boy Scouts but I was going to honor my commitment to my son and myself to start running. Well my 45 minute run turned into more of a run walk with a lot more walking and a lot less running then I was expecting but it was something we did together. When we turned up our street he said lets race home so I smiled and we raced the 150 yards home at full speed.

    My lungs hurt and my body hurt but the realization that I can do this made me feel invincible. Before bed my son asked me if we can do these long runs regularly. My answer was a resounding YES!

  2. Michael Hennessy says:

    Nice job KC Runner! how you find the time with everything else is beyond me.

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